Donna Milne Clinical Oncology Society of Australia 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting

Donna Milne

Donna is a registered nurse and has a dual role at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne. She is an advanced practice nurse with the skin and melanoma service and a clinician researcher in the Department of Cancer Experiences Research. Donna’s PhD investigated the perceptions of palliative care services held by people with advanced cancer. Her other research interests include understanding the needs of patients with melanoma and measuring care complexity. Donna is on the Executive of the Australian and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group, is a member of the PeterMac Nursing Advisory Committee, and is an active member of the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia, Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group and the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care.

Abstracts this author is presenting: